
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tourist Demand


A common approach to studying of tourism is to divide it into the broad areas of demand and supply, and then examine each separately.

The demand-side is the market for tourism attractions and facilities. It includes the reasons why people choose to travel, and why they prefer some activities over others. Looking at it from a particular destination’s point of view, it is knowing who the client or market is for a place.

The supply-side of tourism refers to the destination resources that are available for the tourist and recreationist. These include facilities and attractions of all kinds (such as sports fields, parks, beaches and entertainment), as well as supporting infrastructure
(such as transportation, hotels and restaurants) and services (such as travel agents, and recreation programs and activities).

To market effectively, the needs of the consumer must be identified. In a demand-driven model, tourist motivations influence the development of a destination.

What we know of as tourism, for example, would not exist if we did not have both tourists and destinations or attractions. The tourist shapes the destination because the destination must respond to the tourist’s presence in some way. And the destination is shaping the tourist by generating expectations, motivations and experiences that would not exist if that particular destination, and its interpreters(tour guide), did not exist.

Source: World Geography of Travel and Tourism.

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